Talking Rain was losing space in grocery stores because customers were not buying it. The feedback that Talking Rain got from its customers was that it was unrecognizable as healthy, wholesome, and looked too generic/boring/outdated.
Solution / My Contribution & Impact:
Knowing that Talking Rain Sparkling Water (TRSW) is recognized as a classic staple of the Pacific Northwest— living and priding itself on authenticity—I knew I had a big challenge ahead of me. I knew that it had to be an evolution of what we currently had and not a revolution since the brand did have some brand equity.
The idea behind the watercolor concept is to communicate a fun, energetic, simple, and clean brand, while reminding the consumer that it’s also a healthier alternative to soda and still very wholesome. Additionally, I proposed the idea of using hand-drawn fruits to better communicate the flavor. The fruits, along with a watercolor approach helped reinforce the flavors on the can. This was crucial as it made it easier for consumers to quickly identify their favorite flavors and lessen confusion on shelf.
The entirety of this project was coordinated, created, and creative directed by me and I was specifically involved in the following:
Coordinated the scheduling, timing, and deliverables of each asset throughout its entire timeline.
Hand-made water color illustrations
Created packaging design for cans, bottles, and packs
Established look and feel of Talking Rain’s cans, bottles, and packs
Created mockups of all assets
Set up print dielines for all assets
Pressed-checked at facility and approved all print jobs
Made web and print assets related to these products
Managed print vendors and approve all assets